Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our care package has arrived

We got an email today from Ann at Red Thread China saying that Max had received our care package. Unfortunately that's the only news we got. Sometimes parents are able to get pictures with their care package updates, but we had known ahead of time that we probably wouldn't get any. It was still a disappointment though. I had harboured a secret hope that maybe we would get surprised. The last photos we have of him are almost a year old and I can't imagine how much he's changed. I'm desparately hoping he hasn't lost his baby chunky cheeks.
Also, as excited as I was to finally send this care package, now that it's arrived I'm suddenly filled with worry. Now we know that Max has seen our pictures and that he and his foster family know that he's going to be adopted. I wonder how they're handling that and I realize that it may not be the happy occaision for them that it is for me. I know that in the end, Max is going to benefit from being a part of our family. Hopefully, most of the time he'll be happy that he's with us, but I know that up front it will be a huge transition for him. And, even though he'll be gaining alot, there will be parts of him that he will be losing; his foster family, his culture, his language, and that makes me sad. Adoption is so bittersweet.

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