Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow

Guess where we're going tomorrow? That's right, China baby. I can't believe that we're actually doing this. I am almost packed - still a few loose ends to throw in. I almost meet the weight requirements, but we do have a lot of baggage. Packing for two kids really increased how much stuff we need. This may be my first true moment as a mom of two. Our ride to the airport comes at 4:30am tomorrow. Jason's still at work and I'm still packing and it's 10:30 at night. At least Ellie is getting some sleep. Hopefully we can all get some sleep on the plane tomorrow or we're going to be wiped in Beijing.

1 comment:

  1. We're thinking of you guys! Can't wait to see Max's sweet face!!! Have a safe, wonderful trip.
